Nearly 20 years in the making, Huong’s Peace Mural is the culmination of 30 years of searing memories that bring history to life and depicts the universal pain of war and hope for peace. In its entirety, the Peace Mural is over 800 feet in length and 8 feet tall, comprised of nearly 2000 paintings. The exhibition often includes a number of free-standing pieces from Huong’s private war/peace collection.

The Peace Mural is an ongoing, developing project as new themes continue to be added. The presentation captures highly evocative images and concepts depicting multiple themes including Let’s think Peace; Words of Peace Voices of Children; Voices of the Troops; Mothers in War; The Peace of all Nations; The Flag at War; The Displaced and Disabled; The Cry of Refugees; No More Torture; Poets Against War; BP oil spill Bleeding in Gulf US Alive; Obama Peace Mural; Immigration; Wall of Border Immigration; Racism- The American Color; WMD- Chemical Weapon.

Far more than simply an art exhibit, the Peace Mural is a catalyst to action as it evokes participation and civic engagement, calling forth from viewers a response through reflection, dialogue and action for peace and justice. Viewers are invited to “sign on” for peace by adding their own thoughts and comments to panels scattered throughout the Peace Mural.


Exhibitions are typically accompanied by a series of community events, dialogues, educational programs, artistic presentations and public actions. Most of these events take place on site at the exhibition and are sponsored by a variety of local partner organizations.

The Peace Mural is both deeply spiritual and politically reflective as it calls forth citizen and community response. But most of all, it resonates a challenge and hope for peace in ways that only art can do. It inspires, it disturbs and evokes personal responsibility. The Peace Mural is an expression of “people’s art” as it informs and shapes civil society and stimulates vibrant participatory democracy.